YOU, are a bridge. It’s true. Or at least it is a good analogy.
When you are healthy, you can handle anything. Cars, Trucks, Trains, all the bumps of life. No problem. You are set.
But, should you be facing a serious health issue, like kidney disease, lung disease or cancer, the bridge starts to falter. Cracks start to appear and pretty soon, it’s hard to withstand all that traffic. Traffic that includes, your own medical treatment. And that is where Palliative Care comes in.
Palliative is a specialised form of medical care specifically designed for people with serious illnesses. Its main goal is to improve your quality of life by providing relief from the symptoms, pain and stress that are an inevitable by-product of both the disease and the medical intervention.In short, Palliative Care provides support for your bridge, and when the bridge is in trouble, there is nothing better.
Palliative Care, just like construction, is a team effort. It takes Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers and other specialists all working together with your position to realise that extra layer. The layer that can make all the difference. It’s a treatment method that makes sense at any stage of life and at any stage of an illness. Because it’s never too late to lessen the burden.So, next time someone you care about is facing a serious illness, remember this bridge analogy and remember to consider the enormous potential of palliative care. Remember to all St Bernard’s Hospice.
Palliative is a specialised form of medical care specifically designed for people with serious illnesses. Its main goal is to improve your quality of life by providing relief from the symptoms, pain and stress that are an inevitable by-product of both the disease and the medical intervention.In short, Palliative Care provides support for your bridge, and when the bridge is in trouble, there is nothing better.
Palliative Care, just like construction, is a team effort. It takes Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers and other specialists all working together with your position to realise that extra layer. The layer that can make all the difference. It’s a treatment method that makes sense at any stage of life and at any stage of an illness. Because it’s never too late to lessen the burden.So, next time someone you care about is facing a serious illness, remember this bridge analogy and remember to consider the enormous potential of palliative care. Remember to all St Bernard’s Hospice.
We are here for you.
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